Pst. Jephthah Preye Abiri

Your passing came as a shock to me Mama. Sincerely, that Saturday morning, while observing my quiet time, I didn’t get the slightest sign that you would be leaving this world.

God knows all things; He knew from the onset when your time on earth would finally come to an end and chose not to disclose it for reasons best known to Him. May His name be praised still.

I thank God for the good and interesting life you lived – one void of offense towards others, you were a pacesetter, strong, daring, a disciplinarian, a lover of education, diligent in business, and much more. You were a rear gem.

In all, my greatest joy is that you abandoned that idol to serve the true and living God, in whose bossom you now rest.

Rest on Mama, till we meet to part no more.