
I am at a loss for words to pay tribute to you, my Intelligent, Caring and Sweet mother.

You were my biological mum, whereas I was your  mother in the Lord, and you were never bored listening to exhortations from time to time despite the age  difference but would consistently respond ‘ ane bra’ concurring with God’s Word.

Your love for me, your only child knew no boundaries. You were often over protective but never pampered me thank you.

You made sure that i was a Pacesetter amongst my peers by sending me to school despite discouragement from some persons, but your harsh response to them was that you wouldn’t want me to toil day and night like you.

You assumed various roles to people. You counselled so many people ( male and female) to build houses both in their villages and cities, and showed affection to anyone that comes around you with magnanimity.

Your diligent lifestyle inspired  me to a very great extent hence i told myself that I must strive to make you proud by God’s special Grace.

Mama! You indeed fulfilled scriptures (Proverbs  13:22a) by leaving an inheritance to me and your grand children, you raised like your children.

I promise to remember and act on every of your honest counsels perpetually.

The house is so empty now since you went to be with the Lord. Missing you so much.

Adieu !!! Mama, till we sit at Jesus’ right hand side.